I had commented the other day on a friend's post on FB that the event she shared was a symptom of the bigger plan. The issue in question was a woman singing the "Black National Anthem" instead of our adopted, traditional national anthem. My response was that the plan to "divide and control" was demonstrated in events such as these. Another friend sent me the link again, and said that she felt it was out of line for the woman to substitute the black national anthem but that it was not part of a larger agenda.
You have to know that I respectfully disagreed. If you find yourself dismissing the possibility of the larger agenda I believe you may not have the full picture of what is going on in our country. If you look at all the pieces; all the evidence I believe it would give you a better foundation on which to make your judgments. "Identity politics" divides us. Approaching the world from the viewpoint of the "oppressed" vs the "oppressors" does nothing more than create a victim mentality in order to identify the bad guys (the "oppressors".) In Germany it was the Jews. In Black Liberation Theology its the "whites." In La Raza, it's "those frail white people." In white supremacist groups it's anyone with dark skin.
I was reminded in this exchange of something called "normalcy bias." It's a cognitive condition that can dull sensitivity to risks and dangers. There is a facet of this condition that I think is termed "conformity bias" that creates situations where our judgment and behavior rely heavily on the behavior of those around us. I thought of my fear of flying. Whenever there is turbulence or any sound that is strange I look to others, especially the flight attendants to determine whether or not I should start thinking about reminding myself where the emergency exits are and/or if I should start flapping my arms. You cannot live in a constant state of "fight or flight" but at some point you do need to recognize danger signs and take appropriate action.
If you smell smoke at home, in the movie theater, at your job, you or someone would probably check to see if there is fire. Fire is dangerous. You would take action to protect yourself, your co-workers, your family would you not? If you become aware of actions and events in our country that don't seem quite right what do you do? If the majority of people around you say, "don't worry, be happy" and/or "don't listen to those nutcases, fear mongers, hate mongers, and, the most popular today, racists" you would probably dismiss the information and not seek further for the facts that are a vital part of decision-making.
If you educate yourself on the Progressive world view and how and WHY our Founding Fathers designed our Constitutional Republic I believe you would find that the "life, liberty and pursuit of happiness" are in grave danger.
I did not want to believe this. I kept telling myself, "if our government officials step out of line, our system is built to withstand this attack and the American people will bring it back to where it should be." I found out that this is no longer the case. It wasn't any one thing, but a collection of facts that lead me to this blog.
As a behavior analyst I know that if you are genuinely confused by a person's behavior there is a very good chance that you are being manipulated. So I started educating myself. At this point, to tell you the truth, I'd like to jump back into the "don't worry, our Constitution will protect us" world I was living in.
The checks and balances are vanishing. And, the one I am most concerned about is that the freedom of speech, press and religion are disappearing and many people are not even aware of it. We are told that Fox News is not a real news outlet. We are told that Glenn Beck is (fill in the blank) so we don't even watch, because we don't want to listen to all that hate. We enter the conformity bias state and form our opinions and base our actions without all the facts.
One of my relatives never watched Fox News. She has never heard of Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Bill Ayers, Van Jones, or Andy Stern. She has no information about these people and their connection to our president, except maybe to hear on MSNBC that there's nothing there to be concerned about. The Weather Underground members who wanted to "kill Capitalism and install world Socialism" are old news. These people are now respected teachers, law professors or employed by Foundations with really nice sounding names. However, it seems that they have done nothing more than decide to work within the system to achieve the same ends.
I do read the other side of the story. I take the time to read the Huffington Post, and other sites to try to find out facts I might not get with Fox News. Below is an example of the types of sites I visit to do a reality check. I remember listening to Glenn Beck's radio program one day and heard him mocking the Obama children. He has always clearly stood for leaving the children out of the discussion. He subsequently apologized. However, this article also addresses his "paranoid" notion that there are a number of individuals close to the Obama administration who are actively trying to encourage boycotts of advertisers in order to silence him. The article below, as happens many of these situations says it's all unsubstantiated and he's just (fill in the blank.) However, when he makes a statement like this, especially on his TV show, he also shows the websites and quotes from interviews and speeches that support his statements. I rarely, if ever, find that the mainstream and Soros-funded news sources address these facts head on. They tell their listeners and readers that things are absurd and motivated by hate without ever giving them all the information. In other words, "don't worry, be happy, don't listen to him cuz he's (fill in the blank.) The other link below is an article about Van Jones. I've found other articles stating that Glenn's claim that Van Jones is a radical communist is taken out of context and proves nothing. What is important is to look at the whole picture of an individuals character. Have they done or said or supported things in the past that you should be concerned about? Was there a pivot point in their lives when they disavowed past actions and state clearly what they believe now?
You decide for yourself. But first you need to learn the language. You need to understand what a Progressive means when he says "fundamental transformation." You need to understand what he means by "social justice." You need to understand what he means by "change the whole system." You need to examine closely where the progressive's plan is leading. You also have to understand that some of what you hear and read are in some cases misleading and in some cases false. I am finding that these cases used to be less prevalent than they are now. You need the whole picture. I know that takes time, but believe me our life, liberty and our pursuit of happiness depends on us all doing our part.
Who doesn't think hope and change are good things? I implore you to look closely at what their world view means to our freedom from tyranny. Don't let anything stop you from pursuing the truth.
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