Wednesday, July 21, 2010

If you don't agree you must be evil, right?

This link leads to an article from The Daily Caller.  I have not heard of this site or of the author of the article, however, the content is worthy of your attention.  In it a "liberal journalist" suggests that the government shut down Fox News.  That alone should get your attention but there is something much more disturbing contained in this article.,+Media,+Academia/Rush+Limbaugh/03WPdcx4CweRY/1

Sarah Spitz, a producer for NPR, said that if she observed Rush Limbaugh having a heart attack she would not call 911.  Instead she would "Laugh loudly like a maniac and watch his eyes bug out as he writhed in torment."

Tell me again what "hate speech" is?

The article goes on to compare anyone who disagrees with the Progressive opinions and world view to the "brown shirts," Nazis, or fascists.  If you are really honest with yourself you will see beyond the hate and the depiction of Fox News as a whole as "evil" and realize that there is no reasoned debate, no evidence given that people who disagree with them believe any of the things they are accused of.  Are there crazy people?  Yes, and they are on both sides of the argument.

Freedom of speech and freedom of the press are under attack.  Even if your world view is the same as Sarah Spitz's you need to be concerned about that fact.  We are no longer allowed to have reasoned debates.  We cannot discuss racism, homosexuality, or immigration without emotional responses that totally shut the dialogue down.  Those who disagree are "hateful" and "evil."  They are the people the Progressives point to as the source of all problems....and if they could just get rid of those folks life would be good.  I think that sounds a bit more fascist than anything Rush Limbaugh has ever said.

What do you think?  Read some history.  Read things from both sides of the argument while you still can.  I invite debate.  Explain to me why Ms. Spitz and her colleagues are doing this and why it is OK to watch someone you disagree with or hate die in front of your eyes while doing nothing but laughing like a maniac.

Seems to me that this shows a tendency to de-humanize those we disagree with so that it is easier to watch them die.  If that's not "Nazi-like" I don't know what is.

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