Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Communist Party USA Goals 1963

Here are some highlights of the CPUSA Goals in 1963.  Read through them and decide for yourself how they are doing:

#3  Develop the illusion that disarmament of U.S.  would be a demonstration of moral strength
#5  Capture one or both of the political parties
#17  Get control of the schools and use them as transition belts for socialism and communist propaganda
#18  Gain control of all student newspapers
#20  Infiltrate the press.  Get control of book review assignments, editorial writing, policy-making decisions
#21  Get control of key positions in radio, TV, movies
#27  Infiltrate the churches and replace revealed religion with social religion
#28  No prayer in schools as it violates separation of church and state
#29  Discredit the constitution by calling it inadequate, old-fashioned, and a hinderance to cooperation between nations on a world-wide basis
#30  Discredit the American Founding Fathers
#36  Infiltrate and gain control of more unions
#37  Infiltrate and gain control of big business
#40  Discredit the family as an institution; encourage promiscuity and easy divorce

You might also check out:
for further commentary.

You know, youth today did not experience what my generation did.  Do you remember the air raid drills in elementary school?  Even then, as a 6th grader I did not think getting under my desk was going to protect me from the devastation of an attack.  I learned in a variety of ways some of the horrors that socialism and communism can bring.  Our youth and our celebrities today wear slogans and pictures of Mao....wonder if they really know how many people he killed.   Do they know that Stalin starved millions of people in the Ukraine?  Do they know that the individual and individual liberty become non-existent in the mind of the "State?"
Training materials for AmeriCorps include a distinctive "collective" world view.  That sounds good and noble to a young person.  Helping the poor and disadvantaged is not a bad thing to advocate.  Having a political elite decide how and where to "help" IS.

Final thought for today is in regard to #29 above:

In a Wilder Publications edition of our Constitution the following disclaimer is included:

"This book is a product of its time and does not reflect the same values as if it were written today.  Parents might wish to discuss with their children how views on race, gender, sexuality, ethnicity and interpersonal relations have changed since this book was written before allowing their children to read this classic work."

I'm thinking they would probably include a similar disclaimer to the Bible.

The world view of the socialist/communist is that the "State" is god and loyalty to the state is of utmost importance in achieving their goals.  Allegiance to anything else; family or God, is to be discouraged and eliminated as it is a "hindrance."

Have you read Animal Farm by George Orwell?  Read it again and think about how accurately it outlines the progressive/socialist tactics.  The animals begin with a list of rules they are to follow in their new-found freedom.  And one by one the political elite changes or modifies them to suit their purposes.  There are no hard and fast rules for "right" and "wrong."  This just gets in the way of "progress."

Wake up America and ask yourself progress toward what?  And when you get the answer, then decide whether or not you support it.  Get educated. Get involved.  I know you are busy.  I know this takes time and effort, but our constitutional republic is worth it.  We've been asleep too long.

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