Have you seen Christine O'Donnell's recent TV ad? According to some comments shared on Rush Limbaugh's FB page some liked it. Some called it lame. Some said it was defensive. What did she say? The first thing she said was, "I'm not a witch." My thoughts:
It may have seemed a little defensive, however, I feel she communicated that the claim was ridiculous and moved on. MSNBC had a segment on one morning last week discussing O'Donnell and her opponent. Title at the sidebar? "Witchcraft and Politics...." Ideas are planted in peoples heads and they want a straight answer about their concerns. Her answer was straightforward, respectful of her audience's intelligence, and definitely not "lame" as some have characterized it. It only seems lame because we're used to the obfuscation generally used when talking to the American people.
Then came the debate with her opponent, the "bearded Marxist." I've never seen a debate quite like this. The moderators were anything but neutral. Wolf Blitzer seemed to be debating Christine, while the other moderator did everything but put words in Chris' mouth....but I digress.
I'm betting that you know more about O'Donnell's witchcraft experiences and her expressed religious thoughts on masturbation than you do about her opponents Marxist views. You also haven't heard much about Chris Coons' stumbling when trying to quote the First Amendment to the Constitution. The same Constitution he may have to swear to uphold should the Delaware voters send him to Washington. Now, to be fair, Media Matters presents an article that tells you that Coons never called himself a "bearded Marxist." It was all a joke, right? Anyway, while we are arguing about what he did or did not call himself we are ignoring what his behavior, beliefs, and actions say about how he will represent the people who might elect him. Are there Marxist beliefs there? I believe if you read his position statements on the issues you will find them. I had no problem. Read Christine O'Donnell's too and decide who you would want representing you in the Senate if you lived in Delaware.
Finally, I believe that what the people who got their knickers in a twist about her religious views on masturbation fail to understand is this: She believes in upholding the Constitution. She is not, therefore, going to go to Washington to make laws about those and other behaviors which the government has no business dictating. That's what her core beliefs would guide her to do and that, my friends, is something the progressives and the "bearded Marxists" cannot understand because that is what they believe they need to do.
Got it Homer?
Got it Marge?
Then came the debate with her opponent, the "bearded Marxist." I've never seen a debate quite like this. The moderators were anything but neutral. Wolf Blitzer seemed to be debating Christine, while the other moderator did everything but put words in Chris' mouth....but I digress.
I'm betting that you know more about O'Donnell's witchcraft experiences and her expressed religious thoughts on masturbation than you do about her opponents Marxist views. You also haven't heard much about Chris Coons' stumbling when trying to quote the First Amendment to the Constitution. The same Constitution he may have to swear to uphold should the Delaware voters send him to Washington. Now, to be fair, Media Matters presents an article that tells you that Coons never called himself a "bearded Marxist." It was all a joke, right? Anyway, while we are arguing about what he did or did not call himself we are ignoring what his behavior, beliefs, and actions say about how he will represent the people who might elect him. Are there Marxist beliefs there? I believe if you read his position statements on the issues you will find them. I had no problem. Read Christine O'Donnell's too and decide who you would want representing you in the Senate if you lived in Delaware.
Finally, I believe that what the people who got their knickers in a twist about her religious views on masturbation fail to understand is this: She believes in upholding the Constitution. She is not, therefore, going to go to Washington to make laws about those and other behaviors which the government has no business dictating. That's what her core beliefs would guide her to do and that, my friends, is something the progressives and the "bearded Marxists" cannot understand because that is what they believe they need to do.
Got it Homer?
Got it Marge?
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