I've read a lot of things and some of them have contained a good analysis of some of the issues. However, on our very own 9-12 Project--Colorado we appear to be destroying our chance to bring the government of our state closer to the Constitutional Republic we desire and pushing the Progressive train farther down the track. We are busy arguing with each other about Dan Maes vs Tom Tancredo. My bottom line? We have to do what it takes to turn this Progressive train around and we need to start in Colorado.
The three people in this contest are Dan Maes, John Hickenlooper, and Tom Tancredo. Let's discuss them one at a time.
Dan Maes recorded a video posted on youtube addressing some of the allegations made against him. One of the issues is his time spent as a police officer when he was a young man. After records had been released Dan Maes stated that he hoped this would clear things up. What he said exactly is, "...hope that this puts to rest any lingering doubt about the validity of his word." The link to the NPR piece shows an article titled: "Dan Maes releases personnel records: Hopes past job confusion goes away." (NOTE: I see a striking difference between wanting to dispel doubt about one's "word" and "hoping confusion goes away," don't you? Did you see the movie "Inception/" I think ideas can be planted in your mind even without the fancy techniques used in the film....but that's just me.) There is also a blog entry at 360 Reports that gives you quite a few links to issues under discussion. (NOTE: I have not vetted this site, but it provides quite a few links in one place.) Should Dan Maes drop out of the race? Is Dan trying to be a more honest person than he was yesterday? You decide. He clearly states his agreement with most of the other principles, but when honesty is an issue it can affect everything.
Tom Tancredo has been characterized as "racist" by a number of people. One of his most recent journeys into not choosing his words with care was during the Tea Party Convention in February. I don't want to include too much of my "opinion" on individuals in this post, however, I think Tom should have chosen his words more wisely. I think I agree with the premise that many people who are voting these days do not fully understand what they are voting for. Hence my incessant urging for you all to educate yourselves so that you are making responsible and fully informed choices when you vote. Tancredo has a history of speaking in a manner that has been characterized as "outrageous." Does he have any chance to win? I encourage you to go to his website and read his statement about why he is in the race.
There is also a post on Facebook by Lisa Mills that does an excellent job using 9-12 principles and values to assess Dan Maes and Tom Tancredo. It provides additional points to ponder.
Finally, there is Hickenlooper. In an article from "Pragmatic Progressives" a prediction that is made that the Democrats (although it really means "Progressives") will hold on to the governorship of Colorado thanks to the conservative vote being spit between Maes and Tancredo. They might be right, but I'm hoping not, because it is clear that he is a Progressive and, as I said at the beginning of this post we have to turn that train around. His website contains his statements on the issues, as do the other two candidates. The difference, though, is that his position statements are quite long. While reading them (yes, I read every one) I was reminded of a saying I discussed with a friend recently: "Verbosity is the last refuge for those who have little to say....or are trying to deceive." The term "obfuscate" will also communicate what I think progressives often try to do. Dissemble is another appropriate term. Hickenlooper's solutions and plans for Colorado clearly have government in the starring role. He gives some attention to the importance of the private sector, but clearly does not see the free market as a good thing. He uses the word "global" a lot. He never mentions the "free market." Yes, he throws out a couple of tidbits about the private sector being used in creative ways by the government, but that is not the same thing. I think he probably sees us as Marge and Homer Simpson. You know, those people "too stupid" to have the freedom to make their own decisions and accept responsibility for those decisions. His statement on the issue of "Immigration" is, unlike the other issues, quite short. I wonder why? I am sharing my opinion in this case, because I believe that a progressive world view is not what we need. I've come to know what that means and it is not compatible with restoring the integrity of our Constitution. A progressive is, for the most part, totally incompatible with the 9 principles outlined in the 9-12 Project.
So, where does that leave those of us who believe we need to come closer to the nine principles and 12 values?
A survey of GOP county chairs summarizes sentiment as "Maes won the nomination fair and square." He did indeed. Does Dan Maes measure up to the nine principles. I would say in many ways he does not. Does Tom Tancredo? There is evidence that he does not measure up either. However, as I said in an earlier post we are not charged with looking for perfection, we are charged with looking for someone who comes as close as possible to the principles and values we believe need to be restored.
My personal opinion? I believe egos should be put aside and people should come together to prevent another progressive governorship. People will argue vehemently on the side of Maes or Tancredo. Each side has valid points. So, while we are calling each other names, speaking rudely, or just giving up because it is too hard to process, the progressive train gets closer to the station. Honor? Integrity? I'd say someone has to be a big enough person to call a halt to this and put their support and ask their supporters to rally behind their opponent. Should it be Dan Maes or Tom Tancredo? Unfortunately that's only a decision the two of them can make. If this does not transpire, I've made my decision and I'm guessing many of you have too. I will pray that we can come together to fight the progressive agenda in this state and in this country.
In a somewhat related article you might be interested in some discussion on how the political game is played. An article in Town Hall Magazine, "The Anatomy of a Smear" and "The 100 People the Left Hates Most" can give you more food for thought. Some would characterize the statements against Dan Maes to be a "smear;" same with Tom Tancredo. The statement in the article "Anatomy of a Smear" that jumped out at me was: "Saul Alinsky's 5th rule for radicals says, 'Ridicule is one of man's most potent weapons.' Against irrational ridicule, there is no defense and an enemy is forced into concessions."
What do you say we come together and make conscious, not forced concessions in order to unite to restore our Constitutional republic.
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