Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Divide and Control

The NAACP does not condemn the New Black Panther Party's racist actions and statements, yet they perpetuate the myth that the Tea Party members are all racists that "want to return to a time when they were in power."

Wow, that really gets the anger flowing doesn't it?  This is such a blatant misrepresentation of the majority of the Tea Party that it's almost impossible to respond to.  But, that is what the Progressives want.  They want us divided and "at war" with one another so that they can present themselves as the saviors for the "oppressed."  Tell someone often enough and long enough that they are a victim and they start to believe it.  Point the finger at the opposition to your plans and label them as the enemy and the Progressive elite take control and tell everyone their lives are now better.  Have you read 1984 recently?  Just because someone says shoe production is at an all time high doesn't make the holes in your shoes disappear. Read the book to learn what that means.  Also, if you think the Ministry of Truth is fictional do some homework on Cass Sunstein and the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs.

Another divide and control tactic that has bothered me for some time is that of the family; in particular children and their parents.  A number of years ago I began limiting my son's cartoon time.  Yes, getting him more active was part of that but the biggest issue was that most of the cartoons depicted parents as drooling idiots who had to be "saved" by their brilliant children.  I thought that was a dangerous direction to be going with our children and it's gotten even worse.

Consider the following video:


Generation We.  Young people making it clear that they are smarter than their parents.

Also consider:


This link makes it very clear that these children believe they need to become the "parent" and treat their parents like "children" and have "the talk" with them to tell them how to vote.  And how to vote is purely Progressive in nature.

Did you ever wonder how the "Hitler Youth" movement came about?  A huge part of Progressive/Socialist/Communist strategy is to divide the children from their parents.  The State replaces the parent as the primary caregiver and nurturer.  Children are told to listen to adults, but they have to be the CORRECT adults.  Now, before you get your knickers in a twist thinking I'm comparing Obama to Hitler, that is NOT the point.  The point is that these movements take young children who do not have the broad frame of reference that most adults possess and tell them what to think, NOT how to think.  Al Gore tells a group of 12-13 year olds that they "know more than their parents" and they will have to take the lead.

To top it all off the Progressive playbook controls the information in a myriad of ways (textbooks, media control, etc.) in order to provide their version of the truth.  Which, if you think about it, is sort of ironic because they don't believe truth exists....it's all relative.  They shut down dialogue and debate by labeling a person or a group of people "racist."

Please view video of Arianna Huffington testifying about the "future of journalism."  The last 30 seconds:

  "The mission of journalism has always been 'truth seeking' not as it has too often become striking some fictitious balance between two sides"

Who determines what "truth" is?  Why the efforts to present only one side via "net neutrality" and marginalizing dissenting voices?   WHY did our founding fathers find freedom of speech and freedom of press so important?  If you don't have both sides of the argument you're not making a decision or a choice you are giving up power you don't realize that you possess.  Keep finding both sides of the debate about the type of government we need in order to continue to enjoy the liberties we cherish.  Do it now before it becomes harder or maybe even impossible to find the dissenting voices.

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