Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Do you know who Cloward and Piven are?

I had been talking to a friend about Cloward and Piven the other day and she sent me an email; an editorial by Wayne Allyn Root.  The text is correctly attributed as the "Urban Legends" link shows.  I would ask that you read it with an open mind, trying to fight that very human "normalcy bias" reaction.  You see, when I was in my Social Welfare programs (undergraduate and graduate) I became acquainted with these two people through their books and discussions in my classes.  The plan to "overwhelm" the system to the point of collapse in order to usher in a new system is very real and was discussed openly in my classes.  Cloward and Piven were two of the reasons I left the program.  Saul Alinsky was the other.  I am very uncomfortable with someone who basically believes the ends justify the means an has no belief system (except his belief that to have no belief system is in itself a belief system) that would guide him in terms of what is acceptable and what is not.  Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals is now recommended reading for some of Obama's programs for youth.  In particular AmeriCorps training materials are steeped in the "collective" world view.  Most people believe that taking care of each other is important.  Doing "good" for you community is a good thing and, as a Christian, I believe that God would have us be good stewards of what we are given.  However, the world view I hold says I need to do this of my own free will.  My Lord and Savior did not in any way support forced re-distribution of wealth.  We each decide that to live the Christian life includes taking care of one another.  What many people don't see is the endpoint of this "social planning."  It gives the political "elite" the power to decide what is good for the community.  This does not include the consideration of individual rights and liberties.  I heard a commentator the other day discussing the sexual assault claims against Al Gore and he made a very good point.  The Progressive view is "what is best for the community/country/planet."  That sounds good on the surface, but the "individual" becomes unimportant.  If what I am doing for the good of the world is of ultimate importance what I do to one individual is not that important at all becomes their world view.  Consider Hillary Clinton's response when it was pointed out that her health care plan would destroy countless small businesses:  "I can't save every undercapitalized entrepreneur in America."  In her book "It Takes a Village"  she says:  "[C]ivil society is just a term social scientists use to describe the way we work together for common purposes."  Jonah Goldberg responds in his book "Liberal Fascism":  "No, no, no.  Civil Society is the term social scientists use to describe the way various groups, individuals, and families work for their own purposes, the result of which is to make the society healthily democratic."  ...It helps regulate life outside of state control....which is why we have a Constitutional Republic and not a direct Democracy and the separation of powers inherent in our Constitution.  Much of it needs to out of state control because to give the State the power to control every aspect of our daily lives makes it a "God State."  I don't know about you, but that is frightening to me.  Call it whatever you will:  Socialism, Communism, Progressivism; it all leads to the same place.  It is important that we each learn our history and ask questions and find the truth for ourselves.  Please do not buy into the statement that there is "too much information" out there that exposes us to many different arguments (Obama.)  Do your research now, while it is there for you to find.  Net Neutrality is something you want to take a long hard look at.  I would also suggest you get acquainted with Cass Sunstein.  In particular his definition of "conspiracy theorist."
As we remain in God's hands,

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Jones Act and the BP oil spill....

Do you know what the Jones Act is?  Do you know why it plays a part in the BP disaster?  Find out by checking out the link above.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

A good friend sent me a joke called, "A $50 Lesson" that I'd like to share with you:

I recently asked my friends' little girl what she wanted to be when she grows up.  She said she wanted to be President some day.  Both her parents, liberal Democrats, were standing there, so I asked her, "If you were President what would be the first thing you would do?"
She replied, "I'd give food and houses to all the homeless people."
Her parents beamed with pride.
"Wow, what a worthy goal," I told her.  "But you don't have to wait until you are President to do that.  You can come over to my house and mow the lawn, pull weeds, and sweep my yard and I'll pay you $50.  Then I'll take you over to the grocery store where the homeless guy hangs out, and you can give him the $50 to use toward food and a new house."
She thought about that for a few seconds, then looked me straight in the eye and asked, "Why doesn't the homeless guy come over and do the work, and you can just pay him the $50?"
I said, "Welcome to the Republican Party."
Her parents still aren't speaking to me.

Well I said I loved it and that I had heard a similar joke about a college student berating her Republican father for his lack of compassion.  He asked her about her grades the previous semester.  She had gotten straight A's.  He said she was probably proud of the hard work she put in to achieve this.  She said she did work hard.  He also pointed out that her friends had partied a lot and did not get good grades.  He asked, "How about if you share some of her A's so that they could all have C's?"  She said, "NO WAY!  I worked hard for those grades!"  He said, "Welcome to the Republican party!"

All laughter aside, what is REALLY sad is what I heard recently on a talk radio station.  The caller was talking to the conservative radio host about redistribution of wealth.  The host asked the caller a number of questions about just how deeply his beliefs went.  The host searched for a situation in which he, the caller, might understand that folks deserve to keep what they've earned in an honest manner, so he asked, "So, if someone gets all A's you are saying that they should share that and bring everyone up to C's?"  The caller replied, (I AM NOT MAKING THIS UP!) "Sure, some people are smarter, they should share their accomplishments."
I almost ran off the road!

My question to the caller is this, "If you child needed brain surgery do you want the Doctor who actually EARNED an A or the Doctor who got the re-distributed grade?"

The only changes I would make to the jokes above would be to substitute "Progressive" for "Liberal Democrat" because they've changed their name again AND there are progressives in BOTH parties.  So I guess substituting "Conservative" for "Republican" would be in order too.

I then signed off as follows:
As we remain in God's hands; the God who taught us to be good stewards of what we are given.  The Lord who did NOT advocate the forced re-distribution of wealth.  The God who taught us to love one another, care for one another, and support one another.

It's important to understand the two world views that are involved in our political discussions.  Jokes like these use humor to point out flaws in the world view that are held by most progressives.  The world view that says if we have just the right government programs, if we just have the right regulations, and if we can just convince all those folks with the opposing world view that "Yes we can" transform this country and the world into a Utopia.  Overlooking the one very important fact, that we are flawed and sinful humans, and that we cannot be "perfected" by government regulation and control is the key to the disastrous results of such world views.  I implore you to read history so that you understand the choices you are making.

Recently the Reverend Al Sharpton responded to a comment:  "Rev. Sharpton, Dr. King's dream has been realized since we have a black president in the White House."  Rev. Sharpton replied:  "We have NOT realized his dream.  His dream was not to have one black family in the White House.  His dream was that EVERYTHING WOULD BE EQUAL IN EVERYBODY'S HOUSE."  I'm thinking that is a bit of a perversion of Dr. King's message.  What about you?  (Note: I am now reading the writings of MLK to be sure.)

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Facts are facts, but let's be sure

As some of you know, I've been on a mission to ensure that those emails that get forwarded, and forwarded, and forwarded are actually true before I send them along.

One of the most recent was a picture of Obama's press conference recently and the question was:

What is missing at Barack Hussein Obama's press conference?
No it is not the teleprompters. See the other president’s pics for a clue

The email then presented pictures of some presidents press conferences in which the American flag is visible behind the president.

The conclusion was drawn that this was some kind of anti-American statement on his part.

My response follows:

Although I agree that Obama is destroying our Republic, this is not exactly true.

See the following links:



I try to confirm these things before I pass them along.  I think if we spread information that is not accurate it takes our eyes and efforts off the really scary things that ARE happening.  It also makes us look like we will "believe anything" if it makes Obama look bad.

I made a pledge this January to research everything I pass on and confirm its reliability to the best of my abilities.  I actually believe that the opposition starts some of these emails in order to get us upset and focused on things that are not quite true so that we either miss what is truly important to pay attention to or begin not believing the true stuff when it comes along.  It's a behavioral technique and they use it with skill.

Economics 101

Are you familiar with Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac?  You might want to find our more about them because they are a major source of our current economic woes.  View this youtube video by clicking on Economics 101 above to learn what "moral hazard" is in the world of borrowing and lending....especially the borrowing and lending practices that YOU as a taxpayer pay for, and pay for, and pay for....

Start your education today!

Thomas Jefferson

We in America do not have government by the majority. We have government by the majority who participate.
Thomas Jefferson
3rd president of US (1743 - 1826)

The will of the people is the only legitimate foundation of any government, and to protect its free expression should be our first object.
Thomas Jefferson
3rd president of US (1743 - 1826)

The Progressive's view of the "will of the people" is that the experts, elites, politicians who are in a position of authority and power get to define what the will of the people is.  It does not entail listening to you, because you might make the wrong decision.  This is NOT what our Founders meant by a Constitutional Republic.  In addition we do NOT have a direct democracy for a reason.  It is a matter of the balance of powers.  Progressives find this "outdated" and an obstacle to getting what they want....which is exactly why the Founders set up the Constitution in the way that they did!

Welcome to my blog!

I've decided to start a blog to share some of my thoughts on our current state of affairs.  Hopefully you will find something useful here!