There is also an email asking, "can Muslims be good Americans?" There is an interesting response to this email at Center for the Study of Islam and Democracy.
I believe it will be very interesting to read Nonie Darwish's book and then read the answers given at this website.
Another resource you may find valuable is an article "Coming to Grips with Shariah." This article also includes a link to an NYPD report on the Radicalization in the West. You can download the pdf file for your reference. It is 90 pages long, but offers some valuable insight. Other articles: Top Ten Reasons Sharia is Bad for all Societies and Sharia Law a Brief Introduction may also be of interest to you.
I believe the answer to many of the concerns about Islam, whether they are about womens rights, compatibility of Islam and our Constitution, or building a mosque near Ground Zero are not one's that can be answered or summed up in an email, or, for that matter a blog post. I will continue to research these issues and share with you what I find. I believe we have to be diligent to check sources and read things carefully. I found this to be the case when researching the Muslim Students Association after watching a frightening exchange between an MSA member and David Horowitz. When you read their websites it appears that they express tolerance but if you read closely it does not include other religions. I've found no site that clearly expresses tolerance for other religions. The goal seems to be one way, developing understanding and tolerance for Islam, period.
And, for those of you who might be tempted to think along the lines of Shariah: "it can't happen here" consider the judge in New Jersey who refused to grant a restraining order to a woman after she divorced her husband (both Muslims) because although he had harassed and assaulted her he was acting according to his belief that it was his right. In other words, according to Shariah law. It was later overturned, but remains cause for concern.
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